50 Word Writing Competition: Scottish Book Trust

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The 50 word Fiction Competition through the Scottish Book Trust.

It runs monthly and I just managed to get my first submission in for Janurary (didn’t win!). Anyone of any nationality can enter, all you have to do is submit your entry in the online form, totally free with a prize for adults and young writers.

Short and sweet, it felt like a good way to start 2016 with a submission.

I’ll post my submission if I can get SBT to send it back to me – like a muppet I forgot to save it.



6 thoughts on “50 Word Writing Competition: Scottish Book Trust

  1. I’ve just seen this, well done! I love your 50-word flash.
    I wrote my first 100-word story yesterday for submission to a flash comp. I enjoyed doing it and when it’s failed, as it surely will at my first attempt, I’ll post it on my blog so it won’t be wasted. Thanks for the idea, Aslan (Turkish for lion)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your entry. And I didn’t know Aslan was Turkish for lion, so thanks for that also. Also, greatest lion character in a book? Possibly.


  2. Thanks for posting this. 50 words is really short and a real challenge! It should be fun. Good luck for next month.


    1. Thanks! Yeah it’s difficult but it’s good fun, the opposite end of the spectrum of writing a novel.


  3. Good luck! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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